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personal data policy

Personal Data Policy of the website

Last version June 1st 2024 

We attach particular importance to the protection of your Personal Data collected during your visit to our website, (‘Site’) in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (‘RGPD’) and/or any applicable local laws, where applicable.

This Personal Data Policy (‘Policy’) is aimed at providing you with a clear understanding of how we collect and use your Personal Data, our commitment to protecting your Personal Data and the options available to you to manage your Personal Data and your privacy.

MARCEL ROBERT sas may act as a Data Controller. Consequently, if you choose to use our services, this means that you fully understand the content of our Policy and that you accept that we collect, process and store your Personal Data during your visit to our Site as well as on the occasion of all our communications.

 We invite you to read this Policy very carefully as well as the different notifications that may be communicated to you at the time of collection of your Personal Data in order to be fully informed about their processing by MARCEL ROBERT.

If you do not agree with this Policy or any part of it, you should immediately stop browsing our Site and/or unsubscribe from any MARCEL ROBERT communications.

By Personal Data we mean: any information relating to a physical person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Personal data processor: the legal entity that determines the purposes and means of processing, i.e. MARCEL ROBERT sas - 231 rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris - France. 

Subject to your consent and for these specific purposes (Article 6.1.a) of the RGPD), the categories of Personal Data collected and the purposes of processing, for each of them (where these are offered on the Site) are as follows:

In particular and as the case may be, surname, first name, marital status, postal address and country, e-mail, date of birth, communication preferences, purchasing history and preferences, centres of interest for the purposes of:

  • creating and managing customer accounts
  • receiving newsletters, communications or commercial promotional offers,
  • participation in promotional campaigns,
  • creating and processing online stock availability alerts,
  • the creation and processing of a request made via the online contact form,
  • carrying out analyses and compiling statistics (measuring the effectiveness of our campaigns or virtual events),
  • to carry out marketing analyses

and more generally to monitor customer relations.

Your Personal Data mentioned above will be kept for as long as is strictly necessary for the purposes described above or until our processing objective has been achieved or until we receive your request for their deletion.

Subject to your consent and for the purposes of pre-contractual measures carried out at your request or for the fulfilment of an order (Article 6.1.b of the RGPD), the categories of Personal Data collected and the purposes of processing, for each of them (where these are offered on the Site) are as follows:

In particular and as the case may be, surname, first name, marital status, postal address and country, e-mail, date of birth, purchase history, order number, payment information (bank card numbers, PayPal account), file number, proof of identity, for the purposes of:

  • processing and tracking purchases/orders,
  • processing, handling and tracking returns or exchanges
  • reporting and managing disputes and other complaints

 We commit ourselves to ensuring that your Personal Data is not kept beyond the period strictly necessary for the purposes described above, subject to the mandatory legal provisions on data archiving and for the purposes of meeting administrative, legal and tax requirements by keeping the history of transactions and commercial documents associated with transactions.

Please note: if you decide not to provide your data, which is necessary for the performance of a contract you have requested or when it is required by law, or to request its deletion, you will not be able to receive the product or service you have requested.

 If you visit our Site, we also collect information about your browser and your browsing behaviour. This information is collected under the conditions described on the ‘Cookies’ page of our Site.

We store your personal data in the European Union and it is only made accessible to :

  • to authorised MARCEL ROBERT personnel whose activity justifies access to Personal Data, for internal audit, management, administration or billing purposes;
  • MARCEL ROBERT's service providers located within the European Economic Area acting on our behalf and enabling the provision of the goods and services offered (e.g. delivery service providers, communication, marketing and advertising partners, etc.) insofar as such access is necessary to provide you with the requested services;
  • banking and financial institutions as well as service providers in charge of online payment activities and the fight against fraud, theft or any other reprehensible act that may affect the goods and services offered by MARCEL ROBERT.

 We implement appropriate organisational, technical, software and physical measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data in order to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorised persons. All the security measures put in place comply with the state of the art, particularly with regard to information systems and the confidentiality of banking information (SSL encryption).

We require our service providers to maintain the security of all our data and to comply strictly with the applicable regulations on Personal Data. Our service providers are not authorised to use your Personal Data for purposes other than those specified by us.

However, we would like to draw your attention to the existence of possible risks inherent in the use of our Site and its operation, particularly insofar as we do not control all the risks associated with the operation of the Internet.

Given MARCEL ROBERT's reputation and in order to optimise the quality of our service, your Personal Data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. However, we guarantee that we have taken the necessary measures to ensure a sufficient level of protection for the privacy and fundamental rights of individuals, equivalent guarantees and/or, where appropriate, suitable technical and organisational measures to ensure a sufficient level of protection.

Finally, we may share your Personal Data with any competent judicial, supervisory and/or administrative authorities:

  • if their disclosure is necessary under applicable laws, legal or regulatory proceedings or carried out by a supervisory authority;
  • or to protect and defend our rights and interests, including in legal proceedings, or the rights or safety of third parties 

In accordance with the RGPD, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, delete and port your Personal Data at any time, as well as the right to object to and limit the processing thereof.
You may :

  • manage your subscriptions (commercial and promotional offers, invitations to events, MARCEL ROBERT news, newsletters, etc.) and the communication methods or information selected (post, e-mail, SMS, telephone) in your personal area;
  • unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link or instructions mentioned on each medium;
  • request the deletion of your customer account or exercise your rights or ask any questions about the processing of your Personal Data by postmail to: MARCEL ROBERT sas - 231 Rue Saint Honoré - 75001 Paris (France) or by e-mail:

 To comply with your request for access, modification or deletion, we reserve the right to ask for proof of identity in order to ensure that the request is legitimate.

If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you may at any time lodge a complaint with the French data protection authority, the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) by mail (3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - F-75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 -Tel. +33 1 53 73 22 22 - Site.

You can also contact the European Data Protection Committee (